Cerberus Containment Chain

Cerberus Containment Chain
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Mitigating insider threats is paramount in safeguarding sensitive information and national security. An insider, with access privileges, poses a significant risk by potentially exposing critical data and compromising mission-critical operations. The Cerberus Containment Chain (CCC), integrated within the Nightshade Advanced Polymorphic Defense and Warfare Doctrine, serves as a cornerstone in intelligence and counterintelligence operations.


Recognizing that security is a collective responsibility, organizations must fortify their defenses against all forms of threats, including insider breaches. While the CCC targets insider threats specifically, it is essential to acknowledge that these threats represent only a fraction of the overall security landscape.


In pursuit of collective defense, I have developed a version of the CCC tailored for public release. However, suppressing insider threats alone is insufficient. To comprehensively protect organizations, a holistic approach is necessary. Leveraging the Aegis Framework (U.S. DoD DOPSR Ref: 23-S-1219), previously published for public use, organizations can formulate robust defense strategies to safeguard their operations.


The primary objective of this publication is to equip industries and their leaders with the knowledge, tools, and mechanisms to defend against insider threats effectively. By bolstering defenses against both foreign and domestic adversaries, we strive to uphold the interests of the United States of America and secure the foundation of the national security.

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Genesys Defense and Technologies